Finished and feeling absolutely wonderful around my neck, The Mindfulness Cowl! First pattern on the blog!
Happy yarning, folks!
Saturday morning, sunlight, tea, and whipping up a pair of quick socks for Young Teenager at home, who literally asked for them. What a happy mum I am! I think he has fond baby memories of wearing warm comfortable hand knitted socks, which are such an entirely different experience to store bought commercial socks. This is when socks cease to be a functional item, and become persons and memories - a childhood friendship you look back upon, the memory of your warm feet after a warm bath after a walk in the rain. So, imagine my happiness when about the same time last week, he wakes up on a fine morning, walks into the living room and says - Can you knit me a pair of socks? My old ones don't fit anymore. Knitting a pair of socks after a long time - has given me ideas for another quick design. Maybe I will post that as I cast on another pair, which I feel I am going to do, as soon as these are done (today). And yes, that is Elizabeth Zimmerman's Opinionated Knitter for comp...
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